Thursday, March 11, 2010

Remember that one time I impaled my head on that tree?

Just when things were looking up for the Aimster, I stopped looking where I was going. And just like that, WHAM...I went forth and smacketh my head on thy yonder tree. So check it...I was walking out of the girl's preschool class with Kyler's mom Kelly and I hit my head on a branch that was had been pruned probably last Spring but was hidden by new leaves that had come out and obscured it from view. The branch had a knob sort of end on it and sticks sticking out of the knob so it stuck in my head at about three places. It bled like stink. I'm not sure what that saying means. Mike always tells me "head wounds, man they bleed like stink." So I wasn't alarmed when the blood was plentiful and soaking and dripping and non stopping. I got it cleaned at the urgent care. Friday is when this all went down. Last Friday. I was pretty sore over the weekend, feeling out of it and tired. Then Monday, when I had to take the girls to school it all felt like a weird Alice in Wonderland bad acid trip. I always imagine doing acid is like unto watching Alice in Wonderland. So when I was out and about on Monday and everything seems so bright and loud and acid tripish, I thought it would be a good idea to get my noggin checked out. One CT scan later and here's the skinny. I have a concussion, a pretty good one. Or a bad one. Depends on your general feeling about concussions really. I have a bone bruise and blood and fluid have gathered together to sit in between my skull and my skin which gives a feeling of pressure, headache and like my right eye is going to pop out of my head. But I have been assured it is not. No permanent damage. It should all heal just fine. But I feel like an idiot and a klutz and not like myself.

So that's where I have been. Holding my head and taking ibuprofen and going man that white rabbit is annoying. Turns out it was just Mike.


Travis and Marie said...

ouch! Aside from being painful, how embarassing! I hope you feel better quick!

Kori said...

OH MAN! I am sorry that I laughed while reading this...I have walked into several thing myself and lived to tell about it. SORRY FOR YOUR PAIN!