Sunday, March 14, 2010

No Self Esteem Issues Here

Katie has what you might call a healthy level of self esteem. do I say this? She really really REALLY thinks she is the awesome-EST! Here are a few little things she has said recently that make us chuckle.

"Mom, I am gonna be a Lympic (Olympic) Ice Skater because it is like dancing on ice. And Mom, I'm already a great dancer so I would only need to learn the ice stuff!"

"Mom, do you hear those birdies in the tree? They are tweeting so loudly because they must know I am in the car and can hear them." Pause. "HI BIRDIES!!! IT'S ME KATIE!!! I CAN HEAR YOU!!!"

Katie holding a calculator at my parent's house. "Grammie, I am SO good at this game!" She hands my Mom the calculator. "Grammie, look how big of a number I can make...have you EVER seen that big of a number?" All she does is punch in a bunch of numbers until it can't take anymore numbers then thinks that means she "won" the calculator game.

"Mom, I make the best lemonade. It's THE BEST. You will loooooove it. Here ya go!" Hands me a glass of water with maybe a half teaspoon of Countrytime. It was so gross. But I told her it was delicious.

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