Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Questions, never ending questions part 2

In one short little teensy tiny day, these are some of the questions I was asked by my 4 year old girls.

Mama, what do penguins do if they get cold?
Mama, when will Jesus come down again?
Mama, why does my art project have five shells and Katie's has six?
Mama, can I have snack?
Mama, what color will your hair be when I am a grown up?
Mama, when fire engines have their lights on should I pray?
Mama, next time I go to the doctor will I have to get a shot?
Mama, what time will Daddy be home?
Mama, will Daddy be home before dark?
Mama, is Daddy in Afghanistan or at close work?
Mama, will Daddy play hero game with us tonight do you think?
Mama, what about prayers?
Mama, can we play roses and thorns now?
Mama, what's for dinner?
Mama, how long can I jump?
Mama, can I have my tea party set?
Mama, can I use our art set with scissors?
Mama, when is Valentines day?
Mama, what day is it?
Mama, can we go to the park where we saw Kyler?
Mama, look! a duck
Mama, look! a yellow car
Mama, look! puffy clouds
Mama, look! I made a new friend
Mama, look! I drew you a picture
Mama, look! a bird is on that bush
Mama, what time is it?
Mama, how many more minutes do I have to play?
Mama, can I get a stool and get a treat out of the cabinet?
Mama, can I help you in the kitchen?
Mama, can you come wipe my bum bum? (twice)
Mama, how long of a nap do I have to take?
Mama, can I have a treat before nap time?
Mama, will you check on me during the night?
Mama, can I have a drink?
Mama, when I was a baby, what did I like to do?
Mama, are we going to be a family forever and ever?
Mama, do you think Snow White still lives with the dwarfs?
Mama, do you remember when I rode the Dumbo ride at Disneyland?
Mama, can we go to Cayden and Emma's?
Mama, when we go to the snow do you think we will see Cayden and Emma?
Mama, is preschool today?
Mama, can we make more Valentines?
Mama, can I watch a show on TV?
Mama, are we going to plant tomatoes in the spring?
Mama, can you please call all the zoos in town and find out if one has a elephant because our zoo's elephant died?
Mama, can you help me?
Mama, can you open this?
Mama, I'm out of energy can you carry me?

And finally, a question that was repeated many times throughout the day... "why?"


shannon said...

Too funny! My 4 year old asks me the same things all day long. I can't imagine hearing it times two!

Travis and Marie said...

I love them all...especially should we pray when we see a fire engine with its lights on....precious!