Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thinking About It Tomorrow...

I am just that big of a geek with massive insecurities that I thought I would be the only person alive that waited for the past month for the airing of Gone With The Wind on TCM yesterday. You see, it was 70 years ago yesterday in which Gone With The Wind premiered in Atlanta, Georgia. And I guess I just really think I am all alone in my obsessions that I assumed nobody would even notice that it was on. Then, PDub went on and on about it on her website and I realized how silly of me that I thought I would be the only one to look forward to the anniversary of the biggest movie of all time.
I read Margaret Mitchell's massive book in 1988. I was 16. I carried it around with me at school and people looked at me like I was an alien that I would ever read a book that big. I loved it. Loved loved loved LOVED IT.

Then I saw the movie. And here is a little bit about that...
I wanted to be Scarlett. I wanted her spunk and courage and 19 inch waist. I died my hair black and determined to stay out of the sun. I looked into getting green contacts. I knew someday I would have a daughter named Katie. See, I told you. This movie was life changing.
Rhett Butler is still the coolest, most dashing hero in any movie. (Except for MAYBE Carey Grant in An Affair To Remember) I love how he handles Scarlett and how he sees her faults but loves her anyway. I dreamed of a man who would know me like that, but love me despite my flaws. I didn't marry a Rhett. I most definitely didn't. Luckily, God knew I needed an Ashley. Oh, by the way, Ashley is Katie's middle name. Told you...LIFE CHANGING.
Melanie used to bug me. I used to think she was plain and weak. How wrong was I? She is so beautiful and strong and amazing. I love her so much. When Scarlett came to Ashley's birthday party after India spread the rumor that Scarlett and Ashley were caught fooling around and Rhett made Scarlett go inside by herself so Melanie can kick her out in front of everyone and Melanie goes up to her and kisses her on the cheek and welcomes her into the house I was in a puddle on the floor. Melanie Hamilton Wilkes. Man, that lady had class.
Watching this movie at 38 is so different than watching it at 16. Scarlett, although she IS strong is selfish and cruel and not nearly as fantastic as she appears. Seeing Rhett lose Bonnie through my 38 year old eyes is painful and hits too close to home. Watching how Rhett loves everyone, from Mammie, to Melanie to Belle Watley to Ashley (he saves his life) and of course, Scarlett. The fact that he walks out on her in the end into the fog in some ways makes me love him more. In my mind, he always came back eventually. But that was when I was 16. Now, I'm not sure even Rhett and Scarlett could survive the loss of a child. Especially with all the blame back and forth. It's just so wonderfully sad.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the anniversary. I can't believe Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind came out the same year. What a great year. It's like 1994 when Shawshank Redemption and Forest Gump competed for Best Picture or the next year that Sense & Sensibility and Braveheart were nominated. How did they choose the Oscar?
I know this crazy time of year does not justify the time it takes to watch this movie. But it's worth it and will remind you of all of our humanity and how some things are just timeless.

1 comment:

sacramentostakeclerk said...
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