Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dinner My Way...

I feel really pressed for time this past week. In looking at what is ahead of me in the upcoming week, I feel overwhelmed. So Mike suggested, rather than trying to cook or ordering take out, that I go to "Dinner My Way" or "Dream Dinners" and pick up some ready made meals. WE don't have a Dream Dinners in our town but we do have a Dinner My Way. So I picked up 5 meals for $50. They each serve 3 people. Given that we have two adults and two tiny people, they are the perfect size for our family. This had made life so much easier the past three days. We have dined on Shepherd's Pie, Greek Chicken with Orzo Pasta and Tortilla Soup with all the fixings. I have added bags of salad being sure to do dark leafy greens to keep things healthy. I've been surprised at how healthy the meals are in regards to fat/calories/sodium etc. Also, they have been delicious and easy. All I have to do is take the container out of my fridge, pop it in the oven and toss some dressing on the salad along with a diced tomato. We all feel like we've eaten a home made meal and it was easier AND cheaper AND healthier AND tasted better than fast food or take out.
If you are short on time, I recommend getting some ready made meals from one of these companies. You can also get frozen meals from Costco or the grocery store, but those are less healthy and you don't control the ingredients. These are all freshly prepared and I didn't have to do the work, but I was able to ask them to make them with less oil/salt than the recipe calls for.

I have so much cooking to do over the next week that any night I can do something else instead of cook like shop, wrap, clean, BATHE etc. is a good use of time and resources. Happy dinner time!

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