Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A FULL BLOWN CONFESSION (about stuff nobody would ever care about)

Okay, let's just get it out there. I have gone over to a bad place. See, I've been home a lot since surgery. I've been sitting around. I quickly burned through my reading list and found myself out of new material as I await a delivery from Amazon. So what's a girl to do with that much time on her hands? Can't cook. Oh darn. Can't clean. Shoot. The only thing left is for me to do is to form unhealthy attachments to characters on reality TV right? Let's explore shall we?

Jon and Kate. Jon. Kate. Honestly, I feel sick in my stomach about this family. I have watched since the beginning. At first I identified with Jon and Kate: a couple thrilled with the birth of their twin girls, tried for one more baby, controlling chick full of bossiness toward all. What's not to love? I always turned to Jon and Kate when I felt like my life with the twins was hard, because here was someone who had it WAY harder. I got parenting tips from Kate ranging from how to get kids to and from the car safely in a busy parking lot, schedules for kids, dressing your kids alike so you can find them easily in public and not putting names on backpacks so strangers can't approach your child by name. Now, I find myself disgusted by Jon and his big diamond earrings and Harley Davidson and NYC apartment and excitement to start a new chapter of his life. I am disappointed in Kate for not realizing that fame and money has corrupted her family. Kate and Jon are Christians and have always said "when this doesn't work for our family anymore the cameras will go." But their marriage started to fall apart and they continued. In fact, they increased their public exposure. And now that their family has completely fallen apart, the cameras continue to roll. Kate is obviously super tan, sporting bigger and more perky boobs and a flatter tummy, Jon's hair plugs are full of gel and their bleached teeth glow as they sneer when speaking of each other. And the bottom line is there are 8 real live kids at the heart of this mess. Two 8 year old girls that can read the tabloid headlines and go to school where I'm sure kids are cruel. The disintegration of a family is one of the saddest things I can think of. And I feel just sick and sad. I told you, UNHEALTHY ATTACHMENT TO REALITY TV. Don't judge, I warned you ahead of time.

Now on to Jillian. If you don't know who Jillian is just stop reading because you are going to majorly judge me by the end of this post and you just should quit while we can still be friends. Okay so Jillian the Bachelorette. I actually threw a pillow at my TV on Monday night. This was the beginning of when I realized I had gone over to the bad place. Kicking off Jake and keeping Wes is the stupidest thing I've ever seen someone do on TV. Jake is the perfect guy and was by far and away, the best guy on the whole show. Wes is a scumbag who is using her. She must feel really dumb now that she's watching the show and watching how she got played by Wes. I hope Jake gets to be the next Bachelor because I think he is a big slice of dreamy. Mike is fully aware of my TV crush on Jake and he even watched Monday night with me and suffered along side of me as Jake tried to warn Jillian about Wes and she didn't listen. Girls can be so dumb sometimes. DON'T JUDGE ME.

Michael. What would I have done without the Thriller album? I can remember dancing for hours in my parents living room before they got home from work to this album. My mom had enormous Klipsch speakers as tall as me and even though I was only allowed to turn to volume to 4, I would blast it at 7 while I danced and pretended I was on stage while singing Beat It. I would pretend I was a zombie in the thriller video. Do you remember MTV announcing they were going to premier the full length version and waiting and waiting for it then calling all your friends when it was over to talk about how amazing it was? Remember Vincent Price in it? I know Michael was most likely a very disturbed man, but seriously, his impact on music and dance? Bigger than anyone EVER. Just watch an N Sync video, check out Brittany or Miley or any dance numbers anyone ever has done since 1985. They all start out in the Thriller formation. It's iconic.

Farrah. My cousin Bo had a dog named after Farrah when we were little. He and his brothers had the classic poster of Farrah in their room alongside a pin up of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. When I think of Farrah, I think of times spent with my cousin, going to the park, going camping, colored shoelaces, ditto jeans and a comb in my back pocket. And lots and lots of hairspray.

And finally the most embarrassing thing to admit ever. I am excited for Big Brother to start and I have started watching Lifetime for Women television. I told you, I think I might be headed for actual therapy.

I have so much more to get off my chest. I have engaged in some pretty spectacularly bad behavior since going under the knife on May 1st. But I think I shall stop for now. I have a hair appointment in an hour and the amount of gray hair on my head is worthy of a confession of it's own. So until next time, where I will reveal how much dead skin is on my feet since I have not had a pedicure in three months. I know you can't wait for too many details about THAT!!!


Travis and Marie said...

I used to watch Jon and Kate...but when all the crap started to come out i quit...I couldn't stand what it would be doing to the rather than watch I just don't and then it's like it's not there....

Now onto Jillian....I want to throw a pillow at her, but I didn't. I hate Wes and have hated him from day one....he's awful. I do think Jake is such a sweet guy, but really I think Ed is the one for her, sad as it is that he wussed out and then came back. It would be cool though if Jake got to be the next bachelor. You know who else was cute is Michael - the break dance guy - but he wasn't for her...he was just so loveable. :)

Hope you start feeling better and your hair turned out delightful.

Anonymous said...

I used to love Jon and Kate too but has since also quit watching. I completely agree with you, the focus has completely changed with their fame and those poor kids are going to get the brunt of the consequences of their actions. Kate looks disgusting and Jon could tame his behaviour down too.

As far as Gillian goes, I also completely agree with you. I can't believe she's still with Wes (puke) and Jake was fabulous. HOWEVER, since day 1, I picked Kiptyn to at least be in the finals. They have such a connection. I'm not saying I'm a big fan of his, but I'm definately keeping my vote on Kip.

But anyway, I have a package that will soon be making its way to your home. ;)

Kori said...

The only thing I have to say is that I feel REALLY BAD for Farrah having to die on the same day at MJ...That just sucks for her. I loved the news that night:

"Oh and by the way, Farrah Fawcett died today. BUT THIS MICHAEL JACKSON NEWS JUST IN..."

I loved the 59+ minutes dedicated to Mike and less then one minute on Jill Monroe...