Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Favorite Things - Summer 09 Edition

I love to pretend I am Oprah. I pretend (in my mind and all by myself) that I am a middle aged woman, struggling with my weight that loves to talk to people and share information with the masses. Oh wait. Hee hee. I ALSO like to pretend that people care about what I have to say and every once in awhile I come up with my favorite things even though I have no commercial endorsements and am not giving jack away to anyone. Here we go!!!

  • Roy Yamaguchi. If you don't know who Roy Yamaguchi is, I feel so sorry for you. He is the chef that invented fusion cuisine. If you don't know what fusion cuisine is, well, you probably won't appreciate the rest of this either. Roy is the owner of Roy's of Hawaii which is a chain of restaurants that combine french technique and saucing with Japanese and Hawaiian ingredients. Roy just competed on Top Chef Masters last night on Bravo. He didn't win. But I LOVE him. He is such a classy guy, he never says anything negative in interviews ever. He embodies what Aloha means to me. And his Misoyaki Butterfish is by far the best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life. It is ordered as an appetizer on his menus. However, I would order in for my appetizer, then again for my entree, then again for my side dish and again for my dessert. Then, I would go back the next day and have it again. You might have a Roy's in a city near you. These chain of upscale restaurants are open all over the country. The closest one to me in San Francisco. I'm trying to think of some reason to go to San Francisco this weekend. If you go to Hawaii, please go there. If you live in Baltimore, please go there, etc. And order the misoyaki butterfish. Even if you don't like fish. Mike and I stood lookout for each other while the other one of us licked our plate. Sometimes Mike will look at me and say Miso Butterfish. It's as good as foreplay.
  • Tanning. I know! It's so bad. But see, I have a little thing coming up called my 20 year class reunion. And jiggly parts of your body just look better if they are not glowing in the dark. I consulted my cousin Susan about whether to tan or not tan, to spray or not spray or to glow or not glow. She gave me excellent advice to tan gently and then make up for it by wearing major sunscreen for the rest of the summer and next summer. I have not even had a little bit of a tan since 2001 and we did a 10 week rotation in Hawaii. So I figure this little bit of pre-event tanning balances out and I am committed to 100% sunscreen after August 8th.
  • Swim Lessons. Right now, Katie and Jessica are very proud to be Starfish. They will be Seahorses in a few weeks. They love swim lessons so much and tonight they fell asleep at 4pm and we carried Jessica to her bed at 9:30 p.m and she is sleeping still. Katie got up for 30 minutes to eat some cereal and fruit and then went back to bed. They are totally worn out. I finally found a pause button for 4 year olds. It's called swimming their butts off. Go Swimming Yay!
  • The Farmer's Market. If I didn't have kids and a million things to do that I never get done I would totally become a localvore. That is someone who buys all their food and household items from local sources as well as patronizes all local businesses for their services. I think food is better tasting and for you if it is picked ripe and harvested or butchered locally. I think patronizing local businesses, non big box Wal-Marts and non chain restaurants is critical to our future survival. I hate when I have to go into the WalMarts. I do love the Target though. But I wish I didn't and that counts.
  • New babies. Mike and Chuck set up their webcams and skyped from the hospital so Chuck could show Mike his new daughter. Katie drew her new cousin a picture and got to show it to her and Uncle Chuck over the computer. How cute is it that these two brothers set it up so they could share this day and the arrival of this beautiful baby together. It sort of made me want to have another of Mike's babies. And made me love Chuck a lot too. I love when Dad's fall in love with their daughters. I got over the baby urge very quickly as in like 5 seconds later but for a second, I had a little contraction. It was sweet. And Grace is so beautiful with a head full of curly black hair. Which makes me so happy for Amber. She has a Jessica (Emma) and now a Katie (Gracie) when it comes to hair. She'll have so much fun.
  • Conan. He's just hysterical.
  • Flat screen televisions. My parents just put up an awesome TV on the wall of their bedroom. It is sweet. K & J thought it was purchased just so they could watch a cartoon before naptime when they sleep at Grammie and Papas. We'll let them think that. I think a similar TV might be in my future. Although, I already love my bed too much. On the other hand, we love to have slumber parties as a family in our bed. We always order pizza and eat it together while we watch some sort of kid movie. How much more would we love our slumber parties with a big flat screen on the wall? See, it will promote family unity!
  • My babysitter/Mom helper Kayla. I will do a separate post soon about Kayla. We hired her when I had surgery to help me when Mike is at work with the girls. Now she's just helping me a few hours/week because I'm still not able to do everything and I have therapy appointments and I'm trying to catch up on all the stuff that fell through the cracks over the past three months. Kayla is now part of our family, we love her so much. She is one of those people with the heart of a champion and a kindness that is so rare to find in people. She is so helpful and she made it possible for me to have had this surgery and for the girls to have their needs met. They love her so much and wish she could come over everyday. She brought her new kitten over the other day who is teensy tiny. This propelled her to hero status immediately. She is just heaven sent and I love her.
  • My parents. I know I have mention how helpful they are before. But they are also so much fun and are such good friends to all of us. Katie and Jessica would prefer to play with Papa over just about anyone. And they say Grammie takes the best care of them of anyone and loves them more than anyone in the world. The girls cry when we show up to take them home from Grammie and Papas and Jessica asks to call them everyday. Katie HAS to talk to her Grammie everyday and she chats away and then says "Okay Grammie, pass over to Papa." They have just started calling my Dad "Pop" all on their own. They get to my parents and they run up and hug him and go "Hi Pop" or they get him on the phone and say "hi Pop!" It's so cute because I have no idea where they got it. They have the best time with my parents and so do Mike and I. Mike loves hanging out with my parents. He was driving home last night and called me and said "call your Mom and Dad and find out what they want for dinner from L&L. I'll swing by on my way home and pick up dinner for them and take it over and hang out with them and the girls for awhile." (They had the girls at their house) Even though I had told Mike I'd go pick up the girls, he preferred to hang out with my Mom and Dad on his own. He has met them for dinner and hung out with them tons since I had surgery. I'm very thankful we are all such good friends at that my husband loves my parents and vice versa. It sure makes life so much easier and happier.
  • New CoverGirl Lip Stain. Go right now to Walgreens or Rite Aid. Find a color that is one shade darker than your actual lip color. If you wear more pink, red and blue go with one shade darker on the pinker side. If you wear more tan, brown or green go with one shade darker on the bronze or neutral side. This stain is not a lipstick. It gives just a hint of color to your lips and makes them stand out but looks like you have nothing on. The stain lasts forever (at least 4 or more hours) and it just gives your face a bit of color so you don't look washed out. You can put some on your finger and use it on your cheeks too if the color works. I would not recommend using it for lipstick when you want a glam look. It's perfect for slapping on when you are having a no makeup day. Most days I will brush a little bronzer, some mascara and lip stain and that's it because I have no time to do my make up.

I have so many things I could add to this list. But I'm so tired. I am now going to retire for the night. Do you think the girls are going to wake up super early cuz of the whole nap marathon thing? ugh. Better go grab some winks.

1 comment:

sacramentostakeclerk said...

So, I really like the lip stain... and I like the color I got... but I wanted something, in addition, that looked a little more natural? The one I got is pretty pink... More pink than I was expecting. Any suggestions/favorites for color in this line?