Monday, July 20, 2009

Friendship - a tribute to my friend Amelia Snelling

Every once in awhile, someone does something so nice for you that it brings tears to your eyes and makes you examine what it means to be a true friend. First, you need to get to know my friend Amelia.

I met Amelia while we were stationed in Nebraska during Mike's residency. Amelia's boyfriend, Dustin, was one of the Air Force family medicine residents along with Mike. The other girls were married to their spouses and Amelia was the "girlfriend". She was totally in love with Dustin and was so excited to meet and make some "couple" friends. We discovered we both loved English and Creative Writing. Amelia is a mid western girl through and through. She is open hearted, sincere, kind and we celebrated her engagement, her wedding and we prayed for her to be able to have a baby. All the residents graduated and we found ourselves going our separate ways. Soon, we got the fabulous news that baby Nathan was on his way. We held our breath and prayed some more while Amelia struggled with a pregnancy that had some very real risk of premature delivery. Thankfully, Nathan was born healthy and happy and is the cutest baby boy I have ever seen in my life. Honestly, the kid is gorgeous. Blond hair, great skin that is the perfect tan color even though he is a baby and obviously does not have a tan and these blue eyes that just jump out of his face. He smiles and my uterus contracts. And I am not a baby gushy person. This kid is just that cute. Dustin, Amelia's husband, just deployed to the desert. She is currently going through what is one of the most painful and lonely and difficult times anyone can ever go through. I think of her often. I pray for her daily. Even though I suck at emailing, calling and just all around being an attentive friend.

Amelia doesn't have my hermit and neglectful character faults. She is attentive to her friends, expresses her love for them and is generally just always there for everyone. Because I have been down in the dumps and literally "down", Amelia sent a care package to me. Inside held a treasure trove of her favorite books. Quirky novels by Nebraska authors, a book of poetry that I have poured over and a couple other fabulous reads. She had to order the books from more than one source, so she gathered them and mailed the package herself. However, the thing I treasure the most from her package was the letter tucked inside. It was handwritten and started with "Dearest Amy, ". She went on to explain why each of the books meant so much to her and what she thought I would like in each. She said she missed me and closed with the words "With Much Affection". She included a picture of Nathan.

This act of kindness bestowed upon me by my friend meant a lot to me. I think the best thing anyone can give anyone is a book. The only thing better to give someone is a letter. I felt loved and that I was not crippled and sick and boring and a party pooper. These feelings have been overwhelming my heart as of late. I think I'm lucky to have Amelia in my life. If any that read this could include safety for Dustin in your prayers I think that would be awesome. We are having a residency reunion of sorts in September. Amelia will be there without Dustin. I am determined to send her to take a nap or walk on the beach or get a massage while we play with Nathan. (Maybe all three) My other friend Ingrid will be there too. Her husband just got home from Afghanistan after a dangerous and difficult assignment. I am so happy for her that I cannot put it in words. I feel lucky to be the spouse of a military member. I feel honored to be among these women and so many others I have met and grown to love over the years. For all of you who have been there for me I just wanted to say thanks. And to Amelia, I just wanted to say thanks for reminding me what type of friend I need to become.


Ingrid said...

Talk about hitting the hammer on the nail! You are so right Amy, Amelia is an incredibly supportive friend who will go out her way to be there for you and reminds me that I need to be that kind of friend to others no matter if my days are sweet or sour. Watch out though, you're going to have to fight me for babysitting rights to Nathan in September!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so sweet! You seriously made me cry!! I love you so much!!