Saturday, June 6, 2009

Out Of Touch Friday Confessions...(on a Saturday)

Boy I feel out of touch with the world. My life feels all upside down and backwards. My roots are gray people. Gray hair on my head. And I need some serious retail therapy, lunch out and park time with the girls. One large order of Vitamin D please. But what's better than a healthy dose of Friday confessions (on a Saturday) to put things in perspective. Let's get started shall we?

  • Well obviously we'll start with the decline of my personal care and grooming. The aforementioned gray hair, prickly legs, scratchy feet and I don't think the girls have seen a brassiere in like weeks. It is unacceptable.
  • I find myself frustrated with people. My love for my parents, my husband and my daughters has increased during this time. But I find that I am finding fault with other individuals in my life much quicker than my normal snarky self. There are individuals (okay just one) that I want to pull by the hair and slap. The level of irritation I have towards this person is hard to take because I truly love them and I will not be expressing my irritation because I know it is just a product of my frustration with being cooped up. But still, it bothers me to think badly of someone I love. If you are reading this, it's not you...I swear. Unless it is you. But what are the chances of that?
  • I reeeeeeaaaaalllly did not want to gain weight during this time. It would be super easy to do given that I am just sitting around all day doing no physical exercise. So the first four weeks I was really careful with what I ate. Then I went to the doctors and found out I had lost 12 pounds. So now I have been having a hot burning passionate love affair with Hershey's Nuggets in milk chocolate. The problem with this is that the nuggets are like three hershey's kisses in size. They don't have that hard to unwrap foil that surround the kisses therefore you can get them into your mouth at a much faster rate. And the kisses at least poke the roof of your mouth so you eventually have to stop due to roof of mouth pain. The nuggets do not cause any pain at all. And they are more delicious than you can ever imagine. Thus, my affair continues. Me and the nuggets are burning up the sheets. It must be stopped immediately.
  • Trash fiction - I have gone through my reading list of books I wanted to read post surgery. Some were fluff but others were books I have always wanted to want to read and I figured if I stuck them in my nightstand I might be tempted to crack them open when stuck here for hours on end. So I did and it worked. I've read them all. Now, I have resorted to re-reading trash fiction that I had thrown in the donation bin. You know the kind where "her bosom heaved with unreleased desire" or "he unsheathed his manhood and..." well you know how it goes. So between the chocolate, the gray hair and the late night reading about the brutish Scottish Lord who claims the virgin maid as his prisoner in order for her father to surrender the land that was his by birthright - I am in sad shape. Give me a couple of cats and some gray socks and call it a freakin day.
  • I didn't do a shout out to my brother in law Chuck on his birthday which was two days ago. I love Chuck. I shall remedy this by the end of the weekend with proper birthday postings.
  • My daughters put on many plays yesterday while Mike filmed them. They rehearsed and performed all while I had no idea any of it was going on. I got to watch the movie version last night. I felt sad and disconnected and impatient. I tried to make them redo their play this morning and they were not in the mood.
  • I have been bad about wearing my leg brace. It goes from my hip to my ankle and I just got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. So I am trying to lay with my leg very straight. Do you think that will work?

1 comment:

sacramentostakeclerk said...

Seriously, you are a total trooper and I can't imagine how hard what you are going through really is. Hang in there!

(Sorry... what I've written is pretty crappy consolation. Forgive me!)