Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Friends and Family

Every Friday from now on, I am going to introduce you to some people we like. It might be friends, it might be family, it might even be you. It might even be someone we don't know but who we just really really like.

Today, I'd like to introduce Katie and Jessica's very own super hero, their cousin Cayden Meeker. Cayden is one year to the day older than the girls. When the girls were little, like babies, Cayden came to visit and entertained them for an hour by just jumping off of a stool in front of their high chairs. They would laugh hysterically and then he'd do it again. Lather, Rinse Repeat.

Whatever Cayden does, thinks, eats or drinks - you can bet my daughters will want to do, think, eat and drink it. We have had to have teriyaki chicken pineapple meatballs once/week since we visited Cayden in October because "Did you know Mama that this is CAYDEN'S favorite dinner?"

I love Cayden because he has this best heart. He is kind and loving and good. This past visit a few weeks ago found him surrounded by five girls (Jessica, Katie, Sariah, Chloe and his little sister Emma), three Moms (me, Amber and Faith), one Grandma (Marilyn) and a little baby girl (his sister Gracie). He was the lone male in a sea of females. He endured it with kindness and even managed to look like he enjoyed it. He was a good sport, agreeing to play the part of the prince to the girls' princesses or the monster to their squeals of delight. One morning it was just me and Cayden in the kitchen and he requested some toast. I made his my very best toast, slathered with butter, cinnamon and sugar. We chatted away about life and such. He told me that I made the best toast he'd ever had and could he please have another piece. We chatted some more and I was reminded of what I have known since he was a baby...this kid is pretty special and he's going to do amazing things in his life.

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