Thursday, May 13, 2010

To Brag or Not To Brag? A question.

Whenever I have something happy to report, something delightful to my soul that has happened within the blah white colored walls of our abode, I hesitate. The pause I take is enormous and accompanied by sweaty hands and angst. Heartfelt angst. Because so many, and by so many I mean almost all and by almost all I mean all Mommy Blogs run heavy on the whole tooting of the own horn thing that the bragfest seems never ending. Mine included. Did you hear the funny thing Katie said? Did I mention how many lives Mike saved today? Did you guys know Jessica is a freakin genius? It's gross right? And I love the Mom's that are all...I'm not bragging, it's just this blog is my journal and I want to document how cute it was that McKenzie went poo poo for the first time while singing her ABC's and talking to Obama on the cell about the problems in Chechnya. Chechnya. Chechnyaaaaah. (name that movie) Anyhoo, it gets a little bit thick out there. There are only certain blogs of my friends and family that I post over on the side. These blogs are not what I'm referring to. These people don't really brag in that braggy braggerson sort of way you know? They share their lives yes. But they share the good, the beautiful, the embarrassing and the ugly. They are real. Well maybe not all of them. ha ha. Are you wondering if it's you? It's not. Or is IT? wahahahamehaha. (that's an evil laugh)

The whole point of this senseless rambling is I think I am getting to the point in my blogging where it's okay if I feel like bragging one day. It's okay if I want to shout my joy from the rooftops of the Internet. I'm getting more comfortable sharing my successes in life and not just my confessions. Although Friday confessions....? What the HELL happened to you? You are coming back this week. I promise.

So on that note I would like to tell you of the kick-A Mother's Day Mike provided that I got to enjoy this past Sunday. I'm trying out a new nickname for the husband by the by. Mikey, Meeks, Meeker, Miguline and Major Mike Meeker Mormon Missionary have all been tried and seem well old. I'm thinking of using Meek and then a word that describes what I'm describing. Like if we go see Iron Man this weekend I might say Meekdowneyjunior or if we are watching TV (Grays) I might say I watched it sitting next to meekgeeky. Get it? I don't think it's going to catch on. I'll just still call him Mike Meeker like I have since seventh grade.

On to Mother's Day! So Mike Meeker asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day. Since I am iron poor these days I responded in these exact words. "Mike Meeker. Pay Attention. Are you paying attention? Okay. I want one thing only. I want a big thick bone in rib eye steak cooked on the grill, seasoned by me. It needs to be rare to medium rare. MIKE. Quit playing the computer and pay attention. Okay. Steak. Get the butcher to cut it. You don't need to do any vegetables, no potatoes, no salad. Just a big rare steak. Cut the horns off and wipe it's butt and send it in. ( ha ha. I really didn't say that part. ) " But I continued..."Seriously Mike. I don't want anything else. Just a steak. Please, you know how you get ADD and you burn the steak if you try to do vegetables and multiple cuts of meat. Just the steak man." Did he listen? Well. He is awesomer than that. He got the girls up and did breakfast in bed with oven cooked bacon just like I like it. Then he dressed the girls in their fancy dresses and took them to the Meadows so my Grammie Bea would have cards and a visit to go with her flowers I sent her. Then he took the girls to church with his parents so his mom could get cards to go with the flowers I got her. Then he came home and we all took a long nap. Then they got up and he cooked my steak perfectly...along with roasted potatoes and asparagus. Dinner was ready at 9:25 p.m. But it was perfect. Soooooo....that Mike Meeker. He might not be quick and it may take him a long time to get something done but here's the point...he can go all day, he listens to what I want, he exceeds expectations and he delivers it perfectly. If you know what I mean ladies. And in case you don't know what I mean I am referring to Mother's Day. What were you thinking about you dirty dirty dirty girls.

So today, I am bragging about my super star husband who has been being Mr. Mom these days as well as doing his normal job and he still tells me he appreciates me for all I do and am and all I can think is today I took a nap, puked, took some zofran and percocet and took another nap then watched American Idol and went to bed. I'm thinking nobody is worried about whether or not to brag about me or not. You can't brag about a non moving object that sleeps and eats Thai food.

Tomorrow, I will be bragging about what my sister in law Amber did on Mother's Day because I'm sorry it just needs to be shared.

Seacrest Out.


Travis and Marie said...

very very deserve to brag. I'm so glad you got your steak even if it was at 915. HOpe you start feeling better.

Amberly said...

please don't. No one needs to know about that. You are so funny. You have the best family ever. Glad you are going to be feeling better soon.