Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good News - Let's Try Not To Jinx It!

We found out today that as of now, right this instant, Mike has not been tasked to go to Afghanistan or anywhere else in this next cycle of deployments. We had been prepared for him to deploy again in June. Thankfully, the Air Force needed to fill less slots than they had thought and there were other doctors who either had not deployed or who had been skipped in their last rotation that are being deployed instead.

Obviously, we are very happy for this news. However, we realize that there are a bunch of other people who will deploy in this next cycle and will leave their families. We are mindful of them in our prayers every day and are so thankful for their service.

We are relieved that our family will not have to separate again more than you can ever know. We believe that God puts us where He needs us the most in the world if we are willing to serve Him. We found out tonight from our Stake President that Mike will be working will the Marshallese branch of our church that we mentioned in my last post. He'll be going to their branch for church and serving as a missionary again among the Marshallese. He's so excited. I am going to continue to go to our ward near our house for now but plan on discussing the whole thing with our Bishop and maybe our whole family will be going to the Marshallese branch soon.

Whatever happens in regards to this, I'm just so happy we'll be together in the same house and he'll be going to work at his clinic and we'll be together. I'm the most happy for Jessica. She had a rough go of it last time Mike deployed and has been having a lot of nervousness and anxiety about summer coming because we told her back in January 2009 that she didn't need to worry about Dad going back to Afghanistan until after she turned 5 in the Summer. Of course, she remembers everything and has been feeling nervous about it since her birthday. I never thought we were doing a bad thing by telling her that. We were just trying to reassure her. When we told her tonight that Daddy had talked to his big big big boss and that they didn't need him to go away like we thought, the relief and joy and nervousness on her face was heartbreaking. I am so happy for her tonight. We made sure she knew that going away is part of Dad's job and that things can always change but that for now, he is not going away like we had talked about and planned for.

Please Air Force, don't make us eat our words.

Our house is a happy home tonight. Full of gratitude, feeling undeserving of our many blessings. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We love you!

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