Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Super Nanny...

I like watching Super Nanny. Frankly, it makes me feel rad as a parent. That is reason number one. Also, I get good tips and I think Nanny Jo is a genius. That's reason number two. And lastly, I like to look into other people's homes and lives because I am nosy. There. We've established my reasons for watching. We have all had the flu lately and it has produced some time to lay in bed and watch useless junk on TV online. I found myself watching an episode of Super Nanny today when Jessica crawled up into bed to in her words "spend some time with me" which meant tickle my back and let me watch what you are watching on TV.

She asked what the show was about. I explained that this family wasn't being very nice to each other and this lady had to come to their house and teach them how to show love and be kind to one another. Her name is Jo and they call her a Super Nanny because she helps families know how to be nice and mind their mommies and daddies.

Jessica watched for a minute or two and saw these two girls hitting each other and the Dad yelling. She said "Mom, we don't need that lady to come to our house at ALL. We love each other and we treat each other that way." I was so happy and beaming with pride and had a very rare pat myself on the back moment. I asked her "So you don't think we act like that family?" and she very sweetly said "No Way Mom." And I asked her if she feels Daddy and I show her enough attention and show her we love each other and told her how many times in the day she and Katie show love to our family and it makes me so proud and happy. I was so excited about our conversation and feeling so much love my poor sick flu infected precious baby girl. I proceeded tickle her back and whisper sweet things to her. Then....silence.

Jessica: "well, actually Mom. You sometimes yell."
Me: "yes, sometimes I do. I try really hard not to and I try and say sorry if I yell.
Jessica: "and you sometimes don't listen to us like if we have finished a job you sometimes tell us it isn't good enough and we have to do it better"
Me: "yes, sometimes I do need you and Katie to go back and finish a job I've given you and do it completely. I do that so you can learn the right way to do a job."
Jessica: "and sometimes Dad yells. And sometimes Katie yells. And sometimes I argue a lot."
Me: (feeling worse by the second) "yep. I guess we have things we can work on in our family too."
Jessica: "I guess you better call that lady! Think we'll be on TV?" (soooo happy & excited)
Me: "I sure hope not sweetie."


Travis and Marie said...

that is soooooooooo cute! Leave it to your kids to take you from cloud 9 back to reality. At least you had a few moments to bask in your "good mom" light. :)

Kori said...

We have a family at our school that was on NANNY 911...There is a reason why they were on there and the nanny needs to revisit this family or JO needs to go over there!