Saturday, July 10, 2010

You Got A Friend In Me...

Went and saw Toy Story with the girls, Mike and my parents. It was amazing. My favorite Pixar except I really loved Nemo. But it's every bit as good. Without ruining it for you I just want to share that it's so wonderful to know how many of us in this world have common experiences in childhood. If we didn't grow up all the same, how could we all get the jokes. Childhood is an amazingly special time that we should cherish and protect no matter if it is our own childhood or the childhood of our kids or the childhood of the kid of a friend. It's such a special time. And it's so short. I have a renewed commitment to helping my girls and all kids that I come in contact with hold on to that magic fairy dust that keeps life innocent and free of stress and fun. It was so fun to laugh through this movie as I held my babies on my lap and snuggled with them when they got too heavy. When the sad parts came I just held them tight and smelled the tops of their heads over and over again. It helped.

Go see this movie with a kid you love today. And if you don't have a kid, borrow one. It's so fun to see it through their eyes.

And my kids are never leaving for college. Ever. EVER.


Travis and Marie said...

I am so excited for this movie. Tyler's birthday is wednesday and I am going to try to take him sometime this week with the other kids too....I love the Toy Stories!

shannon said...

My Logan loves Buzz and Woody so I took him to see this movie a few weeks ago. I am such a geek I totally bawled through the end.