Monday, January 21, 2008

2008 Presidential Election - Where do You Stand?

There's a quiz on USA Today where you can answer how you feel about certain issues facing the world/our country. Then it matches your positions with the official positions of the candidates and shows who agree with on most issues. You can even rank how important issues are to you. (Like is global warming less important to you than the Iraq war?) It's really eye opening because the candidates are all side by side with their positions very concise and easy to differentiate. Apparently Mike will be supporting Huckabee or Obama and I will be supporting Obama. Maybe for the first time ever we will not cancel each other out at the polls! Here's the link if you want to take the quiz...

We believe that as citizens we have a responsibility to learn about the issues facing our world and to support leaders who are the closest aligned with our beliefs. It's a fun family project to study the candidates together and have lively debates over dinner while driving in the car. We don't believe (like some do) that this world is corrupt and won't ever get any better so why try? We believe that we have to fight apathy and negative thinking that we can't make the world a better place. It's ironic that today is MLK day in which we honor the life of a man who taught passive resistance, civil disobedience to rallied the country to change the way we think, believe and most of all....dream.

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